laie Conml of tAe iTfaifed 8~4otea far the Ci ty and ~ngdom of Tsrnia ~HemGer ef ,lie New.J"orA: f~Norica~ Sockty, fic. NOAh, of the said Distri, hath deposited in thil offloe the title of a book, the right whereof lie claims ae luthor, in the Wordl and figures fdlowiog, to vas Trat-ela in Englinu4 France ~Spaira, and the Bar6ary Sta(~e, *9 NI~ ~reura 1813-14 and 15. third vear of the Ir '"ependence of the United States of A.meriGA. ~5 8alv-9T8~=T~ cun5T-G~u.ītï rr REMEMBEREb, that on the tweaty.6nh de~ of Janury, in tlm forty. âU8LI3HED ~Y RIRE AND ~ERCEIH~ iVlLl.-SlltET4'l'~ LO1~D~NĨY JOHÀ ariLtERi tt0. OP T13E UNITED STA'rE9 FOR'TIIE CITi Alm RIl'fGD0lé 01' TWPI& IIŒMilER or TB lŒW-ll✱!.K BJ5TOBlC.u. TheĮstimated recognition rate for this document is 82%. The text of this document has been generated automatically by an optical character recognition (OCR) program.
The text displayed may contain some errors. Provenance : Bibliothèque nationale de France Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Philosophie, histoire, sciences de l'homme, G-27203 Title : Travels in England, France, Spain and the Barbary States in the year 1813-14 and 15, by Mordecai M. Travels in England, France, Spain and the Barbary States in the year 1813-14 and 15, by Mordecai M.