Does george duke treasure come in komplete 11 select
Does george duke treasure come in komplete 11 select

does george duke treasure come in komplete 11 select

laie Conml of tAe iTfaifed 8~4otea far the Ci ty and ~ngdom of Tsrnia ~HemGer ef ,lie New.J"orA: f~Norica~ Sockty, fic. NOAh, of the said Distri, hath deposited in thil offloe the title of a book, the right whereof lie claims ae luthor, in the Wordl and figures fdlowiog, to vas Trat-ela in Englinu4 France ~Spaira, and the Bar6ary Sta(~e, *9 NI~ ~reura 1813-14 and 15. third vear of the Ir '"ependence of the United States of A.meriGA. ~5 8alv-9T8~=T~ cun5T-G~u.ītï rr REMEMBEREb, that on the tweaty.6nh de~ of Janury, in tlm forty. âU8LI3HED ~Y RIRE AND ~ERCEIH~ iVlLl.-SlltET4'l'~ LO1~D~NĨY JOHÀ ariLtERi tt0. OP T13E UNITED STA'rE9 FOR'TIIE CITi Alm RIl'fGD0lé 01' TWPI& IIŒMilER or TB lŒW-ll✱!.K BJ5TOBlC.u. TheĮstimated recognition rate for this document is 82%. The text of this document has been generated automatically by an optical character recognition (OCR) program.

does george duke treasure come in komplete 11 select

The text displayed may contain some errors. Provenance : Bibliothèque nationale de France Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Philosophie, histoire, sciences de l'homme, G-27203 Title : Travels in England, France, Spain and the Barbary States in the year 1813-14 and 15, by Mordecai M. Travels in England, France, Spain and the Barbary States in the year 1813-14 and 15, by Mordecai M.

Does george duke treasure come in komplete 11 select